Friday, July 22, 2011

The official MTC address

Sister Rachel Lorraine Roos
MTC Mailbox # 181
SC-COLU 0815
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

This is my mailbox number and everything. I'd forgotten that I had one until I was talking with Rachel and Rebekah Cottam. 

My mission e-mail address is also:

I hope to hear from you on my mission :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Slipping sand

It's funny how fast time slips by. Today is Wednesday, which means that tomorrow is Thursday, and I'm one day closer to leaving to the MTC. I know that it's a beginning to a new chapter of my life; but I can't keep from remembering that it's the end of a current chapter. Anticipation is usually stronger than that which is anticipated. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mission Addresses

I wanted to make a semi-witty title, but I figured that this title would save time when someone loses my address, or decides to write me, or whatever reason someone needs it.
If you do write me in August, it should be a safe bet to send it to the MTC. I'm probably not going to be in South Carolina until about the last week of August, or the first couple of weeks in September (See, I'm staying a whole month because I have to learn the language, but since it's based on English, I only have to stay half as long), Anyway, here's the MTC address:

 Sister Rachel Roos
 Provo Missionary Training Center
 2005 N 900 E
 Provo, UT, 84604

Donald or my mom should be updating as to when I actually move to South Carolina, so here will be the starting address for South Carolina (I'm sure I will get a personalized address when I move to an apartment.)

 Sister Rachel Roos
 South Carolina Columbia Mission
1345 Ganrner Ln Ste 307
Columbia, SC 29210-8362