Friday, May 27, 2011

The day we have all been waiting for

Well my call came. I have been called to the South Carolina Columbia mission, and I leave on the 27th of July. I'm excited, well... as excited as i suppose I can be, excitement is not my forte', but I really am excited to go, and I'm sure I will be more excited when I actually get to the MTC (Missionary Training Center). I can't wait to not understand a word of English anyone is speaking... oh well, I heard that southern accents are attractive, so maybe I'll try to pick it up while I'm over there (That way I have a good advantage when I get home ).
I have a lot to get ready, and it will come fast! I still can't believe that I'm actually going on a mission. Donald looked up the flag of  South Carolina, I must say that it's much different from what I'm used to seeing.

My MTC address will be: 
Sister Rachel Lorraine Roos
South Carolina Columbia Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo Utah 84604
United States
Well I'm excited, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me! I'll post my mission field address closer to my departure date =D

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exciting Mail Day

Well, the day you (and I) have been waiting for! My call came, although...much to the dismay of those around me, I am going to wait until tomorrow to open it. I decided to open it tomorrow, so my family could be there. I decided that opening it without my family was like having a birthday party by yourself....yeah, that sounds like fun right?
I guess I'll blog tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

There's magic in the rain

I think that rain holds some kind of sleeping powers, I feel like sleeping beauties' castle when her fairy god mothers put a sleeping spell on them. The worst part is I want to wake up even when I'm sleeping. It's an odd feeling pushing your consciousness against the wall of sleep. It kind of feels like pushing against a bubble...only it's with your mind, and not your body.

If you are wondering what, if any news about my mission has been revealed, it hasn't. I'm still waiting; though, I think that everyone around me is dying to know. I'm excited, but maybe it's because I'm used to waiting or something of some sort. My grandma has even called me a few time wanting to know if it has come yet. In the meantime though, Donald and I decided to read the Harry Potter series again. I must say I like the books much more than the movies.  

Reading/writing books and watching movies seems to be all one can do with this weather, rain rain everywhere, more to spare in fact, the canal behind my home is almost overflowing in attempt to quell the rise of the river. I have even heard news that some areas are in danger of flooding worse than the river has in quite some time... at least as long as my lifetime, but when you think about it; 21 years on Earth is really not that long.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Here Comes the Ox Cart Oh HOW SLOW!!!"

My mission call is taking it's sweet time coming,  but I know that I shouldn't get excited, in fact; I think I should start thinking about all the things that I want to do before I leave...what movies I want to watch, what activities I want to participate in, who I want to see.
I still have to pinch myself when I think that I'm going on a mission, still in the back of my mind, I picture something happening that makes me stay from this, but I know that it will come and I will go. I look forward with excitement as to wherever I may go (even if I stayed in mormondom).
It's funny the way we comprehend time, like it's supposed to follow our rules and our understanding. I think when I die, that's what I want to understand first.