Friday, July 22, 2011

The official MTC address

Sister Rachel Lorraine Roos
MTC Mailbox # 181
SC-COLU 0815
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

This is my mailbox number and everything. I'd forgotten that I had one until I was talking with Rachel and Rebekah Cottam. 

My mission e-mail address is also:

I hope to hear from you on my mission :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Slipping sand

It's funny how fast time slips by. Today is Wednesday, which means that tomorrow is Thursday, and I'm one day closer to leaving to the MTC. I know that it's a beginning to a new chapter of my life; but I can't keep from remembering that it's the end of a current chapter. Anticipation is usually stronger than that which is anticipated. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mission Addresses

I wanted to make a semi-witty title, but I figured that this title would save time when someone loses my address, or decides to write me, or whatever reason someone needs it.
If you do write me in August, it should be a safe bet to send it to the MTC. I'm probably not going to be in South Carolina until about the last week of August, or the first couple of weeks in September (See, I'm staying a whole month because I have to learn the language, but since it's based on English, I only have to stay half as long), Anyway, here's the MTC address:

 Sister Rachel Roos
 Provo Missionary Training Center
 2005 N 900 E
 Provo, UT, 84604

Donald or my mom should be updating as to when I actually move to South Carolina, so here will be the starting address for South Carolina (I'm sure I will get a personalized address when I move to an apartment.)

 Sister Rachel Roos
 South Carolina Columbia Mission
1345 Ganrner Ln Ste 307
Columbia, SC 29210-8362

Monday, June 27, 2011

T- minus 30

I have exactly one month until my mission report date, am nervous? Yes, but I look forward to not being able to wear my beloved jeans. I also look forward to learning and growing...even if there will be many growing pains involved....oh well, I'm sure I'll survive, plus; what doesn't kill just makes you stronger...right? Right then, lets hope I come back stronger shall we?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

One day more

Try as I may, there's no quickness in preparing for my mission. I would love to be able to find a skirt that will keep me warm in the winter and cool in the hot humid South Carolina weather. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding skirts or dresses that even go past my knees...I have found dresses that look more like a skirt that fit the length of my torso! What is this world coming to when girls only wear dresses that might cover their undies? I know, I know; they wear leggings, but girls, men have a really hard time not picturing what's under those leggings and behind that skit. If you want a guy that wants what's inside, show him that you respect yourself enough not to advertise otherwise....lecture over.
Anyway, I think I will make my own skirts, I'll post some pictures when I'm done (promises, promises). Along with that, I need to write a letter to my mission president, too. Man I get busy with all this stuff!
I'll also post my mission address next update.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The day we have all been waiting for

Well my call came. I have been called to the South Carolina Columbia mission, and I leave on the 27th of July. I'm excited, well... as excited as i suppose I can be, excitement is not my forte', but I really am excited to go, and I'm sure I will be more excited when I actually get to the MTC (Missionary Training Center). I can't wait to not understand a word of English anyone is speaking... oh well, I heard that southern accents are attractive, so maybe I'll try to pick it up while I'm over there (That way I have a good advantage when I get home ).
I have a lot to get ready, and it will come fast! I still can't believe that I'm actually going on a mission. Donald looked up the flag of  South Carolina, I must say that it's much different from what I'm used to seeing.

My MTC address will be: 
Sister Rachel Lorraine Roos
South Carolina Columbia Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo Utah 84604
United States
Well I'm excited, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me! I'll post my mission field address closer to my departure date =D

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exciting Mail Day

Well, the day you (and I) have been waiting for! My call came, although...much to the dismay of those around me, I am going to wait until tomorrow to open it. I decided to open it tomorrow, so my family could be there. I decided that opening it without my family was like having a birthday party by yourself....yeah, that sounds like fun right?
I guess I'll blog tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

There's magic in the rain

I think that rain holds some kind of sleeping powers, I feel like sleeping beauties' castle when her fairy god mothers put a sleeping spell on them. The worst part is I want to wake up even when I'm sleeping. It's an odd feeling pushing your consciousness against the wall of sleep. It kind of feels like pushing against a bubble...only it's with your mind, and not your body.

If you are wondering what, if any news about my mission has been revealed, it hasn't. I'm still waiting; though, I think that everyone around me is dying to know. I'm excited, but maybe it's because I'm used to waiting or something of some sort. My grandma has even called me a few time wanting to know if it has come yet. In the meantime though, Donald and I decided to read the Harry Potter series again. I must say I like the books much more than the movies.  

Reading/writing books and watching movies seems to be all one can do with this weather, rain rain everywhere, more to spare in fact, the canal behind my home is almost overflowing in attempt to quell the rise of the river. I have even heard news that some areas are in danger of flooding worse than the river has in quite some time... at least as long as my lifetime, but when you think about it; 21 years on Earth is really not that long.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Here Comes the Ox Cart Oh HOW SLOW!!!"

My mission call is taking it's sweet time coming,  but I know that I shouldn't get excited, in fact; I think I should start thinking about all the things that I want to do before I leave...what movies I want to watch, what activities I want to participate in, who I want to see.
I still have to pinch myself when I think that I'm going on a mission, still in the back of my mind, I picture something happening that makes me stay from this, but I know that it will come and I will go. I look forward with excitement as to wherever I may go (even if I stayed in mormondom).
It's funny the way we comprehend time, like it's supposed to follow our rules and our understanding. I think when I die, that's what I want to understand first.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Nothing says exciting like progression! After waiting and working and working and waiting (since September might I add) the executive secretary finally called to schedule an appointment. After that, I wait yet again for my call to come, but as long as I'm making progression, that's all I care about. 


Friday, April 15, 2011

Procrastination is a terrible day job

I heard that quote in one of my dreams last night, I think it's referring to my taxes, because it's April 15th and they are still not done!
One thing I havn't been procrastinating is my mission papers they have taken FOREVER, but hurrah! they are finally finished. I've been working on them since September of last year, and each little detail seems to be work to get done even though it seems like a simple concept. The last one was trying to scan some documents so I could get it sent digitally with the rest of my papers, but the scanner wouldn't work!! I finally thought to go to the support system to find the problem, and it turned out there was a problem with the software, so I had to delete the software, then reinstall it...problem! The software wouldn't download!! After the four months of life and circumstance getting in the way of my mission physical, I couldn't believe it was happening again! Something stupid was keeping me arms length from finishing! As I prayed to my Heavenly Father about it, he sent me a thought; the software works on my mom's laptop! I've been trying to solve this problem for days, I couldn't believe that I didn't think of that!
Now all I have to do is wait for the President Taylor to call me in for an interview, I can't wait!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jump on the band wagon

I know everyone is blogging, and I'm not usually one to follow the crowd- but I think I'll try it. Hopefully I can teach my family how to do this so you all can keep caught up on my 18 month spiritual adventure, then I can continue when I get back.

In the mean while, I'll post what I'm up to, recently it's Pinewood derby! Here are some of the cars, they were all amazing, but I couldn't post all the pictures here.

I also went snowshoeing, it was much like hiking, except you were walking on feet of snow, and I got some square ice cream!